Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week of Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st

The basketball season is officially underway.  Both the girls' and boys' teams played against East Elementary on Thursday night.  Everyone on both team played very well and worked very hard on the court.  The boys won their game 32-6.  Unfortunately the girls' team did not fare as well.

Parking ~

When picking up your child from school at the end of the day, please be sure to park in the main parking lot.  Parking at the south end of the bus lane is not always safe.  If you park there before all of the buses arrive and there is a child walking to your vehicle, the bus driver is not able to see them.  For the safety of the students, please do not park in the bus lanes.  Thank you!

Boyle Street community Centre Donations ~

Thank you to everyone that donated new or gently used items for the Boyle Street Community Centre.  We collected eight large bags and 2 big boxes of warm, winter items to donate.  

Staff Professional Planning and Development ~

There is no school on Friday, Dec. 1 as it is a Staff Planning and Development Day for teachers.  Teachers will be working towards their goals on their Professional Growth Plans.

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